[Study Proven] Health Benefits and Recipe of Okra Water | Cigna 信諾
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Health Benefits and Recipe of Okra Water

10 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Okra is a vegetable with high nutritional value. It is even called ‘Green Ginseng’ by the Japanese and has increasing popularity as healthy food. Many recipes are available on the internet, such as pan-frying, air-frying, and salading, but they are rather complicated to make. Therefore, one way to enjoy okra and absorb its nutrients with ease is to make okra water, which does not give a slippery texture and herbaceous taste. Are you ready to get to know more about it?

Okra itself is a good source of several key vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B, and dietary fiber. 100g of okra contains:

Nutritions Content
Water 89.8g
Calories 36kcal
Carbohydrates 7.5g
Protein 2g
Dietary fiber 3.7g
Calcium 94mg (10% of suggested daily value)
Magnesium 53mg (15% of suggested daily value)
Phosphorus 53mg (7% of suggested daily value)
Iron 0.9mg (6% of suggested daily value)
Vitamin A 375mg (62.5% of suggested daily value)
Vitamin B 280mg (14% of suggested daily value)
Vitamin C 15mg (15% of suggested daily value)

1. Anti-oxidation and promote heart health

Okra is a natural source of antioxidant polyphenols, such as flavonoids, and vitamins A and C, which can reduce the damage done by free radicals, lower the risk of vascular embolism and improve heart health. Since polyphenols can prevent inflammation in the brain, they can avoid ageing and deterioration in the brain.

2. Lower your blood sugar level

As shown in a recent experiment, okra effectively decreases blood sugar levels. Flavonoids in okra can repress the absorption of glucose in the small intestine. With water-soluble dietary fiber, it can form gelatinous or sticky substances in the bowel, decelerating the rate of digestion. Both nutrients help regulate blood sugar by slowing down sugar absorption.

3. Maintain satiety to help lose weight

Okra is rich in fiber with low calories. After deducting the calories of dietary fiber (around 2,000cal), only 28kcal is present in 100g of okra. With improved satiety by the fiber, it can surely help you lose a few pounds

Ingredients: 5 Raw okras, 100-180mL of water


  1. Wash fresh okras with salt and chop the heads out.
  2. Put the okra cut sides down in a bottle or cup.
  3. Pour room-temperature water and cover it with a lied or cling paper. Chill it in a fridge for 8 to 12 hours or soak it in room temperature for a night.
  4. Take out the okras and enjoy it.

*You can add slides of ginger, lemon, grapefruit, and maple syrup as you like.

  • Okra has tiny fluff on the surface, so it may cause skin allergy when eating it raw.
  • Okra is also high in fructans, a carb that may cause digestive issues in some people when consumed in large amounts, especially those who are prone to diarrhea and stomach gas.
  • The smaller, the fresher with a length around 5-10cm
  • Not stiff, with tenacity when pressing gently
  • Plump with tiny fluff on the surface
  • Lay flat while storing to avoid damage to the surface and getting rotten.

Although okra water has numerous health benefits, you cannot solely rely on it to keep yourself healthy. It works well with a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and regular exercise.


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