Is Climate Change causing Heart Attacks?
Life Hack

Is Climate Change causing Heart Attacks?

7 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

According to the Department of Health, heart diseases have been the third leading cause of death in Hong Kong since 1960s. In 2017, an average of 10.6 persons died daily from coronary heart diseases alone.1 To make matters worse, the risk of heart attack would be further increased by climate change, a recent study says.

The German Research Center for Environmental Health looked at over 27,000 heart attack patients between 1987 and 2014. While very cold and very hot weather has long been a potential trigger for heart attacks, a significant increase was found in heat-induced heart attack risk in recent years.2

Another study examined over 274,000 patients in Sweden who suffered from heart attacks between 1998 and 2013. It was found that the occurrence of heart attacks increased with lower air temperature and higher wind velocity.3

Scientists involved in the study speculated that the narrowing of arteries in cold weather and increased blood circulation in hot weather both force the heart to work harder. Changes in diet or exercise routine in extreme weathers could also be the reasons.


We should always be mindful of weather changes to prevent extreme temperatures from being harmful to our heart and also, by intentionally have a healthy lifestyle to protect the heart. Apart from following a lifestyle plan for a healthy heart, we should be prepared in terms of clothing and stay indoors if it is too hot or cold. In the long run, we can also participate in combating climate change on a daily level such as switching to a low carbon diet.


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  1. Healthy HK - Coronary Heart Diseases
  2. Science Daily - Climate Change: Heat-induced heart attack risk on the rise
  3. The Guardian - Cold, cloudy weather 'could increase your risk of having heart attack'

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