Can Supplements Replace Food?
Health Regimen

Can Supplements Replace Food?

9 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Supplements are usually not substitutes for whole foods even though popping vitamins has become part of our daily routine. Nutrition experts agree that those who are generally healthy and eating a wide variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains do not need supplements.

While you still ponder upon whether supplements are necessary, it is important to learn about the different types of vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. At the same time, exercise caution and learn about the side effects of supplements.

Knowing the nutritional needs at different stages of life will also help you to plan when is the best period to start taking supplements.

Teenagers are undergoing a growth spurt and will need a greater amount of macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fat during puberty. Most teens usually do not need supplements if they are having a regular and balanced diet. However, vitamin C supplements are commonly taken to help boost the immune system.

Meanwhile, teens who are vegans can consume the B vitamins and calcium supplements to help with muscle and bone growth. 

The nutritional needs for pregnancy are particularly unique to support healthy fetal growth. For instance, expectant mothers and those who are trying to conceive are prescribed folic acid as it helps with the development of the brain and spinal cord of the baby.

Besides, zinc supplements are recommended to help prevent anaemia and fatigue during pregnancy.

Elderly people have special needs for vitamin D to help prevent age-related bone loss and fracture. Experts recommend a higher daily intake of vitamin D at 600 IU per day for those who are aged over 70, while elderly who are between 51 to 70 years old need about 200 to 400 IU of vitamin D.

Urban lifestyle leads to unhealthy diets like fast foods and processed foods, increasing the risk for cardiovascular disease. Fish oil can lower blood pressure, reduce blood clotting, and thus the chance of having a heart attack. It is a source of Omega 3 fatty acids which helps decrease inflammation.

The digestive system can be upset easily. You need the right kind of bacteria to keep your bowel healthy. Probiotics are the microorganisms that improve digestion and strengthen your immune system. Introduce this kind of supplements slowly into your daily diet if you’re interested.

We have different nutritional needs over different life stages; the same applies to our medical needs. Plan ahead for comprehensive health coverage, RETHINK your medical needs with Cigna. Learn more here.


  1. Nutritionguide - Nutritional Requirements Throughout the Lifecycle

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