Cigna Care Manager Service Case: A Hong Kong Student Studying in the UK Suffered from Benign Lymph Nodes and was Worried that She Couldn’t Get Treatment before School Starts
Cigna Care Manager Service

Cigna Care Manager Service Case: A Hong Kong Student Studying in the UK Suffered from Benign Lymph Nodes and was Worried that She Couldn’t Get Treatment before School Starts

21 Mins read

When children left home alone to pursue education abroad, parents are always worried whether their children can take care of themselves in their daily life, and what arrangements should be made if they fall sick. A number of students studying aboard are likely to return to Hong Kong during school holidays for family union and body check, or consult a doctor if they feel sick. Mrs. Chan, our client, felt puzzled and worried since her daughter who was studying in the UK was ill, so she sought assistance from Cigna, hoping to obtain more medical professional opinions and find a solution.

Alice, an 18-year-old girl studying in the UK, returned to Hong Kong for family union in July during the summer vacation. She told her mother that she had found a lump in her neck, and sometimes felt pain when touched. Her mother was worried that the neck mass was a malignant tumor. They subsequently consulted a general practitioner and were referred to seek medical advice and further examination from a specialist. On the other hand, in response to the severe pandemic in the UK, Alice had to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before the commencement of the new school terms in September and leaving Hong Kong. She was also worried about whether she was suitable for vaccination and whether the vaccination would affect her health condition. For example, whether the swollen area will get bigger after injection.

Alice and her mother, Mrs. Chan, are protected under Cigna HealthFirst Choice Medical Plan. Considering the clocking is ticking, Mrs. Chan called our customer service department for inquiry, and Cigna's Care Manager followed up the case to help her obtain more professional advice. Our Cigna Care Manager took the initiative to understand Alice’s case, and arranged the medical consultation with a head and neck surgeon. Alice was eventually diagnosed of suffering from benign lymph node of about 1 cm in her neck. The clinician advised to continue to monitor her health condition, and tissue examination or further surgery was not required at this stage.

Mrs Chan and Alice felt relieved after hearing out the doctor’s professional advice. Meanwhile, the doctor believed that Alice was suitable for vaccination which would not affect her health condition. Alice therefore got vaccinated immediately before leaving Hong Kong, and visited surgeon for follow-up consultation. After learning that the condition of the benign lymph nodes was stable, she could rest assured that she was going to the UK for the new terms in September as scheduled. Mrs. Chan, was very grateful for the support and medical arrangements provided by Cigna. She was fortunate that her daughter could receive a proper diagnosis and obtain professional advice in a timely manner, so she no longer worried about whether her daughter could get proper diagnosis and treatment after returning to the UK, especially when the pandemic was still severe.

According to ENT specialists, there are a number of important organs in the neck of the human body, and a variety of diseases related to these organs can possibly be found, including diseases related to the thyroid, lymph glands or parotid glands (i.e., salivary glands), as well as swelling in the neck. There are a number of causes of swelling in the neck. The more common ones are inflammation caused by bacteria or viruses, benign tumors such as lymph nodes, thyroid nodules, or even malignant tumors. However, most people cannot determine the cause or whether it is malignant by touching the swelling or simply by feeling, and the best solution is to consult a doctor for advice.

Under normal circumstances, the swelling in the neck caused by inflammation will last for about 1 to 2 weeks, and the situation will gradually subside. If the swelling persists for a period of time, or you feel a distinct lump or mass when touching it, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to find out the cause. Clinically, doctors can assess the location, size and shape of the lump through different examinations, such as neck ultrasound, biopsy, etc., to determine its cause, and provide the most suitable medical treatment.

At present, Cigna’s customers can receive our Healthcare Concierge Service when receiving treatment, including a dedicated Care Manager for follow-up. The services are as follows:

  • Staffed by registered nurses and provide customers with professional advisory if they are facing health issue
  • Understands and analyzes the health condition of customers, and offers network doctor options
  • Coordinates and follows up on hospital surgery or treatment arrangements and post-surgery visit
  • Provides information on improving health, and post-discharge follow-up in person(for example, arranging post-discharge physiotherapy, nutrition guidance, meal delivery service, and more)
  • Refers you to personalized services (for example, local limousine transportation to the hospital, nursing arrangements, virtual consultation, medication delivery, home modification, and more)
  • Provides emotional support for customers and their family
  • Helps arrange “Cigna Health Services At Home” to reduce the risk of infection

The above content is adapted from real cases. Should you have any questions regarding the above case, please contact Cigna for inquiries.

The content of the article cannot substitute for professional opinions or diagnosis of attending doctors. Should you have any questions regarding the medical treatment plan, please consult your attending doctor.

However, the content of the above article is for reference only, and Cigna does not warrant or make any representation regarding the accuracy and completeness of the related content and information. Cigna shall not be liable for any damages, indemnities, costs or other expenses arising out of the related content and information.


Cigna HealthFirst Elite 360 Medical Plan offers comprehensive and personalized medical coverage across the stage prevention, diagnosis, treatment and recovery, with a range of hospital and surgical benefits, optional insurance benefits with an annual limit of up to HK$50 million, personalized health assessment, three critical illnesses(cancer, stroke and heart attack) all-rounded care and international medical concierge service. A 360-degree total health protection that spans across all the key stages of your health journey. Learn more here.

The above insurance product information is directly provided by Cigna, and the relevant information is not the content and features of all the coverage of the insurance product. The designated insurance plan is bound by its policy terms. Please visit the Cigna website and refer to the relevant product brochures and policy terms for details of features, contents, terms, conditions and exclusions of relevant products. The above information cannot be used as an insurance contract executed between Cigna and any person or group or as an offer, invitation or lobbying to enter into any insurance contract.

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