Preventing Bladder Cancer: How Does Mediterranean Diet Help?
General Health Tips

Preventing Bladder Cancer: How Does Mediterranean Diet Help?

12 Mins read

Bladder cancer is a common urinary system disease among individuals aged 55 to 70 years old. Its symptoms, including frequent urination, pain during urination and trouble urinating, are troublesome for living. When diagnosed with or suspected to have bladder cancer, you should seek help from medical experts and strictly control your diet. A balanced and nutritious diet can ease your condition and slow down the rate of progressing disease.

A research done by the World Cancer Research Fund International proves that having more fruit and vegetables, and drinking more water can lower the risk of bladder cancer. If you want to prevent the deadly disease, please have look on the below guide on your food options:

Food Good for Bladder

Food Bad for Bladder

Bladder and urethral tumour-fighting food

  • Jellyfish
  • Barley
  • Chestnut
  • Walnut
  • Sheep Kidney

Pickled Food

  • High preservatives and salt intake increase the risk of cancers.

Food that soothes urinary tract obstruction

  • Seaweed
  • Wakame
  • Kelp
  • Scylla

Spicy Food

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine considers that spicy food aggravates ‘yin (陰)’ deficiency which deteriorates one’s health.

Antioxidant lycopene

  • Tomatoes are the primary source of lycopene, which may prevent or slow down the progression of some types of cancer.

Smoked Food

  • Smoked meat and sausage products contain high carcinogenic content.


  • Drinking more water can help dilute carcinogenic substances and lower their irritation on the bladder lining.


  • Alcohol is an irritant to the bladder and raises the susceptibility of malignant tumours.

A study published last year pointed out that the Mediterranean diet was associated with reduced risk of developing bladder cancer. The Mediterranean diet is a nutrient-dense diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as fish, olive oil, fruits and vegetables. Since inflammation flavours the growth of cancers, such a diet can lower the risks.

Moreover, the high content of antioxidants in the Mediterranean diet can refrain the chain reaction induced by free radicals and prohibit malignant tumours from developing.

Although there is no defined Mediterranean diet, this diet is rich in healthy plant food and includes much less animal food, focusing on fish and seafood. With this principle, you could practice eating in a Mediterranean way in Hong Kong as well. Let’s have a look at the guideline below.

Eat More

  • Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and healthy lipid (mostly olive oil)
  • Dairy products, such as yoghurt and cheese, are healthy for the intestinal system.

Eat in Moderation

  • Seafood and fish are rich in proteins and Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • White meat, such as chicken and duck, is a good source of proteins with fewer fats.

Eat Only Rarely

  • Red meat, processed meat, sugar-sweetened food and beverage contain a lot of saturated fats and cholesterol.
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Apart from diet, you can do the below things to keep your bladder healthy and prevent the deadly disease.

  1. Don’t hold back your urine: Urinate as soon as you feel the need.
  2. Treat bladder infection: Prevent repeated bladder infection from happening.
  3. Quit smoking: Smokers are prone to bladder cancers. Avoid second-hand smoking, as well.
  4. Limit your exposure to carcinogenic chemicals in the workplace: Workers in specific industries should follow strict work safety practices and avoid direct exposure to the chemicals.


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